Thursday, July 15, 2010

INTRACRANIAL BLEEDING - Quantumin Plus Testimony

INTRACRANIAL BLEEDING - Quantumin Plus Testimony

In QDYNAMICS, I am well-known as "PATAY NA BUHAY" which means I was dead and came back to life because of Quantumin Plus. My story began last May 29, 2008 while I was attending a Motivational Training held in UP Los Banos, Laguna. During the activity called 'Money Game' I tripped and had a bad fall with the back of my head slamming against the floor. I lost consciousness and when I woke up after a few minutes, they wanted to take me to hospital but I refused. The following day even if I had fever, I still attended the activity but after lunch I had tremors, severe vomiting and collapsed again.

When I woke up, I was already in UP Los Banos General Hospital. A series of tests including MRI confirmed that I had 1.5 inch crack in the skull and internal hemorrhage that needed immediate operation worth Php 350,000! I did not have money at that time as I was only earning from the nerve therapy I do and my husband only gets allowance from his company so we went home against medical advice.

After a month (July 2008), I went back to my doctor to inquire about alternative to surgery and he advised us repeated aspiration of blood clot and medications that will melt the clot.

Unfortunately, we still can't afford it so we went home. My condition worsened over the next few weeks that at times I had episodes of total blindness and seizures. My husband and relatives cannot do anything but pray every time they seem suffer. The next few weeks even worsened and on August 28, 2008 because of severe convulsions, I was brought to a provincial hospital. However, after a few hours we were sent home because the doctors said there's nothing they can do to help if surgery cannot be done. Back at our house, they waited and prepared for my inevitable death.

On August 29,2008, I had severe convulsions about every five minutes, my whole body was cold, I had shallow breathing so my relatives and neighbors prepared for my death. They called the funeral parlor, prepared my dress for my burial, prepared the place where the coffin would be placed and a place to do "saklaan" for my family to raise funds for my burial. After they prayed over on me, my friend Oliver arrived with the Quantumin Plus. My son squirted the contents into my mouth and applied it to my whole body, my head, my nose and eyes. After 20 seconds I vomited blood and this alarmed sir Oliver that he referred my case to Dr. Patawaran. The doctor said [that I] continue putting 20 drops every 5 minutes and continue putting into the eyes, nose and ears. After thirty minutes, I had another bloody vomiting and gradually, to my relatives' amazement, I regained back my color then my consciousness. I felt so thirsty so I asked for water and everyone cried thanking God that I was back to life. Since then I started recovering especially when Dr. Patawaran gave me additional supplements aside from Quantumin Plus.

Last February 2009, I had a follow up with my doctor and the series of tests done showed that my blood clot is gone but the skull crack is still evident. I thank God and Dr. Delia for formulating a product that helped me and a lot more sick patients who are on the brink of hopelessness. I also thank my friend Sir Oliver Esguerra for exerting all efforts to bring Quantumin Plus to me even at early dawn.


Intracranial bleeding after traumatic brain injury is in most cases fatal. Who survives from this condition is dependent on a lot of factors like interval from accident to operation, the amount of bleeding, the area involved, etc. . In the absence of enough financial capability, patients succumb to death eventually. For those who can afford surgery, no guarantees can also be made about recovery and good quality of life after the operation. The use of Quantumin Plus in cases of intracranial bleeding is not one of the options in conventional medicine but the recovery that happened to Virgie and other intracranial bleeding cases where Quantumin Plus was used speaks well of a possible alternative option for those who cannot afford surgery and a cost-effective additional modality for faster recovery for those who went through surgery. We are not saying that all intracranial bleeding will have the same response as Virgie's because we still stand firm that God's hand is just using Quantumin plus as an instrument for "miracles" to happen to those who believe in Him and His "miracles" and only God decides who will receive the "miracles"!

45 years old,
from Imus, Cavite


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